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An ode to children's resilience

Studio Beerdier is fascinated by the way in which children bounce back from a major illness,

both physically and mentally. Playing with light, color and movement, the artists use colorful

stop-motion animations to investigate what happens on a microscopic scale during cancer treatment.

In video artwork MICRO|MACRO, Studio Beerdier gives an impression of a child's cancer treatment. 
The starting point for this animated film is the resilience of  children: 
in general, children can undergo more intensive treatments than adults, because their bodies have a better ability to recover.

This “superpower” is often underexposed in childhood cancer coverage.

Micro_Macro Texture

Animation workshops

During their visits to the Princess Máxima Center, Studio Beerdier found out that children know a lot about their illness and treatment. To bring these stories to light, the artist duo organized stop-motion animation workshops on location. During these workshops, the children transformed clay into a colorful group of figures, cells and games.


Under individual supervision they depicted what occupied them in the Princess Máxima Center.

His little brother Flynn (11) animates Pjotr taming a dragon,
and then defeating an enemy.


Pjotr (13) shows how Chemo Casper and Radio Robbie
fight cancer together.

Chemo Kasper

Pjotr in his hospital bed

In his body the little Caspers
come together

Radio Robbie 1
Radio Robbie 2

Radio Robbie in action

Pjotr en de Draak 1
Pjotr en de Draak 2

Pjotr tames the dragon

Pjotr en de Draak 3

Together, they defeat the enemy

Pjotr en de Draak 4

On to Dragon Island!


Renzo (11) shows how his medicine works:
"Because an antenna disappears,
diseased cells stop dividing.
That's how the Chemo works better."


Renzo takes his medication

Imatinib 1
Imatinib 2
Imatinib 4
Imatinib 3

Quincy (10) made two animations:
In her first video, monsters have
lots of fun with a game.


Her second shows how more and more diseased cells disappear
as a result of multiple chemotherapy treatments.

Chemo 1
Chemo 2
Chemo 3
Chemo 4

Chemo (green stripes) removes diseased cells

Studio Beerdier
Studio Beerdier Logo

Studio Beerdier

Studio Beerdier is an artist duo, consisting of Charlotte de Vries and Karenina van den Crommenacker.

The interaction between artistic and scientific research is central to their work:

the makers see many similarities between the curiosity of a scientist and an artist.

Micro_Macro Texture

MICRO|MACRO is made possible by:

The help and expertise of:

Frank Bos, PhD
Kunstcommissie Prinses Máxima Centrum
OGZ Prinses Máxima Centrum
Rik Rensen, Muziek en Sound Design
Marjolein van Alfen, het PUNT Utrecht
Fay Breeman, De Machinerie
Lotte van Walrave, HKU-X
Myrthe Poncin, Erasmus UMC
Gerdy de Kruijk, Het Kunstlaboratorium
Gosia Kaczmarek en Erin Tjin A Ton, Between Two Hands

And the financial contribution of:

Gemeente Utrecht Logo
Stimuleringsfonds Logo
Athena Logo
Prinses Maxima Centrum Logo
Elise Mathilde Logo
Part of Science Logo
Fonds 21 Logo
Dragonframe Logo
Stokroos Logo
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